To enable you to concentrate on your core business, let us develop and implement a customized logistics outsourcing solution. We take into account all the details and we will find the best solution for your company.
Are you playing with the thought of outsourcing your logistics, which allows you to concentrate on your core business? If the logistics outsourcing is planned and performed properly it ensures a better cost structure, more flexibility and a better allocation of resources. Logistics Outsourcing is very complex and it is a strategic decision of great significance. A successful logistics outsourcing requires best professional planning and should be performed from an experienced logistics manager.
Logistics outsourcing leads to a successful cooperation with the selected logistics provider, if both the company that issues the tender and the selected logistics provider have the same understanding of existing processes, requirements and objectives. An additional important requirement for a successful project realization is a high degree of mutual trust. When the decision for a logistic outsourcing has been made the logistics provider has important responsibilities in the company.
He has a significant influence on the cost structure of the company and he is jointly responsible for the customer satisfaction.
The careful planning of logistics outsourcing is of vital importance. We are aware of the difficulties that appear in this kind of projects. We ensure that all participants of the project have the same state of knowledge and we assume responsibility for the observance of deadlines and costs. We ensure a high quality of the invitation to tender. On this basis you get a detailed evaluation of tenders for the decision making process.
We are the experienced partner for logistics outsourcing with a clear-sighted analysis and planning.