Purchasing is the key to profitability! This statement is receiving increasing consent from professional circle and shows the rising importance of good purchasing management. The systematic optimization of procurement costs has the potential for making the company more profitable.
Our Interim Manager are entrepreneurial leaders. They take up entrepreneurial responsibility and implement strategic and operative tasks actively. They identify the weaknesses in your purchasing management, develop concepts to improve them and implement them together with your purchasing team. They are working in line responsibility and they are the experts for the following topics:
- Reduction of the purchase costs
- Implementation of complex and global restructuring programs in purchasing
- Global Sourcing
- Potential assessments
- Benchmarking cost structures
- Capacity planning and potential assessments
- Optimization of process workflows and lead times
- Cloud-based conversion of the purchasing processes
- Establishing sustainable supplier management
- Installation and the utilization of various tendering platforms
- Inventory management
- Establishment of risk- and compliance management
If you see possibilities for cost reduction and performance improvements in your procurement activities, we would be very happy to hear from you. We would like to submit an individual and most economical offer to you.